Padrão floral
Padrão floral

Honeymooning in Italy

Martina Hansson & Mike Smith

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Padrão floral

Fondazione Prada

A major center for all things contemporary art and culture. Created by Rem Koolhaas.


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Padrão floral

Accademia di Belle Arti di Brera

A beautiful 17th century building that used to be a convent, but now houses the most beautiful collection of paintings.

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Padrão floral

“We did not miss Raphael's "Marriage of the Virgin.”

Martin Hansson

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Padrão floral

Latteria San Marco

A local's spot for the best caprese salad. MMM!

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Padrão floral

Pasticcheria Marchesi

A historic bakery that is just as opulent as its pastries are decadent.

Find the places below

Fundazione Prada

Pasticcheria Marchesi

Letteria San Marco

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Padrão floral

"The tarts here are displayed like jewelry behind glass casings."

Martin Hansson

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Padrão floral

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